Built-In Self Test (BIST)
Rastergraf offers a functional test suite that builds on SDL's ability to access hardware functions directly to provide a comprehensive test of the board. Typical tests include a basic board access test, a GPU register access test, graphics RAM test, and board temperature (as applicable). In addition, in some cases, it is possible validate graphics display chain "end-to-end by writing a pattern to video memory and then use video DAC CRC registers to verify proper DAC operation. The BIST can be customized by the user, and can be incorporated into startup code as part of system diagnostics. In addition to this SDL software-based BIST program, the MerlinPXC and AgatePXC both have an on-board processors that can be used to monitor board conditions in real-time and can alert the host operating system upon detection of a a problem. Rastergraf can provide consulting services to assist in the integration of BIST in to your system. Please contact us for more information.