Rastergraf - PMC Card, PMC Video, PMC Modules and PMC/XMC Board products. We offer PMC and XMC Cards, Graphics PMC and XMC Boards, XMC Frame Grabber, Graphics XMC Modules, Video XMC Modules, and Graphics XMC Cards

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Featured Product: AgatePXC



The Redmond, OR Rastergraf office is now permanently closed.

In connection with this closure, availability of Rastergraf
products will be limited to stock on hand or builds of 25
or more units.

Please direct all inquiries to:

Rastergraf, Inc.
7145 Marlborough Terrace
Berkeley, CA  94705
(510) 849-4801

PMC, XMC, PCI, CompactPCI, and PCIe Products

Rastergraf capture/display and carrier solutions include PMC, XMC, PCI, cPCI, and PCIe boards for the embedded computing industry. Software support includes Windows, Linux, and VxWorks operating systems.

In addition to the graphics boards and carriers themselves, Rastergraf also supplies PIM adapters. A PIM (PMC I/O Module) is an I/O breakout adapter used with a host VME, cPCI, or OpenVPX Rear Transition Module (RTM) equipped with a PIM site to ease the integration of Rear I/O access-oriented systems.

Please go to the Product Finder page to help find the best solution for your application or jump to a specific board using the listings below.


Graphics/Capture Products

MerlinPXC: AMD E8860, XMC/PMC, 6x DisplayPort (DP), 1x VGA, USB 3.0, MIPI Capture,
                 Built-In Self Test (BIST), Front Panel and PMC/XMC Rear access, PIM, XP-10, Linux

MerlinPIM: PIM breakout board for MerlinPXC Rear I/O

MerlinMTX: AMD E8860, CC (benign) XMC, 3x DP or 2x DVI+1x DP, Audio/Video Capture,
                 BIST, PMC access (only), PIM, XP-10, Linux

MerlinMTX-PIM: PIM breakout board for MerlinMTX Rear I/O

AgatePXC: AMD E4690, XMC/PMC, 2x DP/VGA/LVDS, USB 3.0, Audio/Video/RGBHV/MIPI Capture,
                 BIST, Front Panel and PMC/XMC Rear access, PIM, XP-10, Linux

AgatePIM:  PIM breakout board for AgatePXC Rear I/O

TopazPMC: SM731, PMC, 2x DP/VGA/LVDS, Video/RGBHV/DVI/STANAG Capture,
                 Front Panel and PMC Rear access, Linux, VxWorks 5.x

                 Please note: this product is now discontinued - a few remain in stock

FalconPMC: Recommended replacement for TopazPMC
                  SM768, PMC, 2x DVI/VGA, USB 3.0/2.0, Video/RGBHV/DVI/STANAG Capture, Video out,
                  BIST, Front Panel and PMC Rear access, PIM, XP-10, Linux, VxWorks 5.x
(new, Q2 2019)

FalconXMC: Recommended replacement for TopazPMC when new application is XMC host
                  SM768, PMC, 2x DVI/VGA, USB 3.0/2.0, Video/RGBHV/DVI/STANAG Capture, Video out,
                  BIST, Front Panel and PMC Rear access, PIM, XP-10, Linux, VxWorks 5.x 
(new, Q2 2019)

FalconPIM: PIM breakout board for FalconPMC and FalconXMC Rear I/O (new, Q2 2019)


PMC, XMC, and PCIe Carriers for PCI, PCIe, and CompactPCI

PMA-P: PMC to PCI carrier (passive)  (in stock)

PMB-P: PMC to PCI carrier with local bridge (in stock)

PMA-C: PMC on cPCI carrier (passive)  (no stock - 25 pc MPQ)

PMF-E: XMC/PMC on PCIe carrier with local bridge and PIM Support (new, availability TBD)

PFX-PIM: PIM breakout board for Rear I/O for PMF-E (new, availability TBD)

© Rastergraf 2019
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Specifications are subject to change without notice.

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